On June 15, 2020, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) filed comments opposing the New England Ratepayers Association (NERA) net energy metering petition before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
In FERC Docket No. EL20-42, NERA petitioned FERC to find federal jurisdiction over net metering policies, taking the position that wholesale energy sales from generation sources should be priced in accordance with federal law.
NARUC opposes NERA’s position, taking the positions that the current practice falls outside the wholesale scope and that the NERA proposal presents potential disruption to the system.
A plethora of comments from individuals and entities have been filed in the docket.
See NARUC’s comments here: https://pubs.naruc.org/pub/4204BA38-155D-0A36-31CE-8A05CD0AC660